

Thank you for being an integral part of our vibrant and supportive community at AKA Virtual. Your enthusiasm and support empower our creators to bring their best work to life. Together, we're committed to fostering a positive environment where everyone can enjoy and contribute to the creativity that thrives here.

Respecting Boundaries

Please respect the privacy and personal boundaries of our creators and fellow fans. With that in mind, there are a few things we implore you to pay attention when interacting with our creators:

  • Please keep interactions respectful and appropriate

  • Please refrain from requesting or sharing personal information about our creators.

  • Please refrain from spreading false information regarding our creators.

  • Please use official channels for gifts and donations to ensure safety of our transactions. For more info: PAID CONTENT.

  • Please refrain from contacting our creators through unofficial or personal channels at all times.

  • Please understand and respect the limitations set by our creators regarding their content and interactions.

  • Please avoid imposing personal expectations on creators or expecting personal relationships beyond the platform.

Banning perpetrators and their interactions across all of AKA Virtual platforms might be deemed necessary should we find any potentially harmful activities.

Positive Atmosphere

Your support is the cornerstone of our community. We are here, thanks to you. Together, we're dedicated to building a positive space where everyone is treated with respect and kindness, from our creators to each fan. 

We're committed to maintaining a supportive atmosphere, steering clear of negativity.

Feedback and Criticism

Please provide feedback and constructive criticism thoughtfully, as it supports our creators' growth and innovation. Encourage them with supportive words while sharing insights that can help them evolve.

Together, let's build AKA Virtual into a community we all cherish, supported by your engagement, our creators, and a management team dedicated to nurturing this space.

We appreciate your continued support for our creators going forward.